
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

contivity takes a bow...

the nortel contivity firewall was reaching end of life, at least my life, so i seized the opportunity to introduce another cisco system to the community; the ASA-5520...

the 5520 naturally had its roots in pix technology, so i ordered it and also ordered a book... the book that was available was geared towards the 5520 but it was mostly pix with a few hints about the new (for us) firewall...

i was a little sad to see contivity go...  she had been a good box and over the years i had become accustomed to it, pretty good at its filtering features actually, but she had had her day and i always wanted more cisco wherever i could get it...remember, i was always fighting the nortel monster...

the 5520 took about a half a day to implement but she came around... the front end was a lot like what SDM is now...  not awfully friendly but serviceable... the feature set was extensive and whereas the VPN of the contivity was pretty straight forward, 5520 was a little more complicated... my long term cisco hopes were slowly, very slowly, coming to fruition...

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