
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
a network runs through it

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Saturday, November 5, 2011


the last day and a half has been enlightening... i used to support a large cisco network for many years, and the needs of that community... those needs were not my needs but i still had some great experiences...  having my own equipment and doing with it exactly as i want allows unlimited freedom... there is only so much experimentation one can do under production circumstances...

i have my 2950's and 2620's currently running rip and communicating with each other and the internet... i'll soon move on to ripv2, eigrp, ospf, etc... i have vlans  for hosts and printers, trunks are up and running, serial connections are singing, and i couldn't be happier...  also, if you have a chance to get your hands on a 3550 or 3560, beg borrow or steal...

this is a new phase for me, and as i move to different protocols with OZLAN and make new configurations, i'll erase start on all the devices, and rebuild them as if it was all new again... and you will all feel the pain with me...

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