
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
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Friday, November 16, 2012

arden packeer...

this is my new favorite human this week...

compared to bgp, ospf is intuitive... ospf over frame relay is not intuitive... understanding the various types in ospf takes time; lsa, network, packet, router, area, et al...

with ospf over frame relay there are a slew more types to get used to... it never stops, but as i've said before, perhaps that is the beauty of this mess...

i have this idea that coming to grips with the various ways ospf functions over frame, and doesn't function (you know when you are configuring against type because ospf screams at you) will give me an even better understanding of ospf operation on the whole...

and just when i thought i had ospf pegged...  

i'm counting on frame relay being a large part of the ccie lab because it presents many obstacles...

the wisdom is that you should not have to worry about frame relay from the provider side for the lab (meaning you shouldn't have to configure the frame relay switch, or cloud, itself), just like mpls... however, the fear is, that like mpls, you had better know the client side operation five ways from sunday...

and in case we should forget, the goal is not to beat the LAB, the goal is to greet the LAB, like an old and dear friend...

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    this webpage not opening
