
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

dscp and ip precedence...

i am only scratching the surface of this, and i'm finding it's mostly not that complicated...

ip precedence is fairly simple, 0 to 7, with 0 being the lowest priority or best effort, and increasing the numbers the higher the priority (i do like the numbers, but i also like logic with the numbers, you'll see what i mean as we move along)

the class selector follows this logic...

cs0 is binary 000000 which translates to decimal 0 and has ip precedence 0

cs1 increases to binary 001000 which translates to decimal 8 and has an ip precedence of 1
there are only 6 place holders, imagine the two leading zeros

if you are shaky on binary to decimal remember 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
                                                                                  0   0   0   0  1 0 0 0


so the ip precedence increases by 1 and follows the class selector...

hence, cs2  has an ip precedence of 2, cs3 has an ip precedence of 3, and so on up to cs7

also as the class selector increases by one, it's decimal value increases by 8 and is followed by the binary value

again cs0 is zero across the board
cs1 has increased by 1 from zero and it's ds value has increased to decimal 8 or  binary 001000

cs2 is academic... ip precedence is now 2, and it has increased by 8 so the decimal value (it's ds field value) is now 16, binary 010000

cs3, ip precedence 3, increase another 8 to decimal 24 with the binary translation 011000

cs4, 5, 6 and 7 all follow the same logic which gives cs7 an ip precedence of 7, and ds field value decimal 56 or 111000
7 times 8 is 56 or 32 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 56

see chart below... thanks to

DSCP <=> IP Precedence Conversion Table

DSCP Name DS Field Value IP Precedence
Binary Decimal
CS0 000 000 0 0
CS1 001 000 8 1
AF11 001 010 10 1
AF12 001 100 12 1
AF13 001 110 14 1
CS2 010 000 16 2
AF21 010 010 18 2
AF22 010 100 20 2
AF23 010 110 22 2
CS3 011 000 24 3
AF31 011 010 26 3
AF32 011 100 28 3
AF33 011 110 30 3
CS4 100 000 32 4
AF41 100 010 34 4
AF42 100 100 36 4
AF43 100 110 38 4
CS5 101 000 40 5
EF 101 110 46 5
CS6 110 000 48 6
CS7 111 000 56 7

CS Class Selector (RFC 2474)
AFxy Assured Forwarding (x=class, y=drop precedence) (RFC2597)
EF Expedited Forwarding (RFC 3246)

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