
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

routing and mls... quote of the day...

changing lanes a little this morning...

i've said this in the past, and it always gets reiterated in the present, and i never get tired of seeing it in print that is not my own, especially someone as eminently qualified as russ white, in his slim book, CEF...

Layer 3 (mls) switching is routing, as far as hosts connected to the network are concerned; there is no functional difference between Layer 3 switching and routing.

thanks russ...

the switch is a router... but don't believe me, believe russ...

another point; there is so little out there about CEF, and it is one of my favorite subjects... in fact the old book Lan Switching has about two point 6 pages devoted to it, and the book is about 1000 pages total... of course that book is a waste of time as it is CatOs based... amazing there is so little out there about switching overall when switching comprises the majority of networking...

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