
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
a network runs through it

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Saturday, March 10, 2012


one thing you get with the official certification guides that you don't get from scrounging cisco's site or bum rushing the internet is a logical progression of technologies in your studies... it's structured, takes you from a to z with all the steps in between... just like in ccna, that progression is very important... one topic builds into another and the whole becomes a logical unit... that's why i say, race through the associate layers just to get the cert and you've wasted your time...  icnd1 and icnd2 are so vital to your future growth...

we know ccna is not a requirement for ccie, but who in their right mind would dare attempt ccie without it... doesn't matter how much experience you have... funny how ccna is a requirement for ccnp though... there is a logic to that, i believe...

the certification is ultimately worth the paper it's printed on, and that is about it... it open doors and coupled with practical experience, yet more doors open...  the most important thing, however, is what you take with you and what you learn about yourself...

you don't climb everest without some suffering along the way... if it was easy, it would be worth nothing...

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