
network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq

network cisco ccna gns3 certification arteq
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012


in the early 90's, the age of windows 3.1, my entree into the unix world began with system V, berkeley and SCO... that was just prior to dos5.0...  i learned then that i was an operating system kind of guy and that i was very comfortable at the command line... but gui was fashionable, windows was dominating, and although os2 was a better product, it couldn't muster the market share or the application support...

of course torvalds came along and began to change everything... unix on the desktop for the masses and free... he took the minix kernel and made it into linux and gave it away.. brilliant...

so along with the windows progression from 3.1 to 95,98,2000,xp, vista, 7, i also grew with redhat, suse,
fedora, and now my new best friend ubuntu...

last night i really had to dust off the old commands and permissions, and what i know is:  microsoft's greatest product was xp, and when they retired it, they forever ruined windows...

if only corporate america would come to grips with open source on the desktop across the board... it's time to finally slay the dragon...

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